What to Do Before You Quit Your 9 to 5 Job

First Engage In Side Hustle!
My advice is that before you resign your job to begin your entrepreneurial journey, try to operate your business as a side hustle until it can well generate your monthly income or at least something close to it. Instead of taking a second or third job, you should dedicate time to researching and developing the concept or idea for your business properly. If you need to go to school or get trained, use this time to do it. When you carry out your side hustle to a point where you feel you now have a good grasp of the business idea, or you are generating substantial income or at least have all the necessary tools needed for successful business, and when you know you can no longer handle the pressure of the two jobs, you can then let go of your salary job to focus fully on your business endeavors.
For example, I operated my businesses as a side hustle between 2010 to March 2014, before I actually decided to pursue it full time. Was it easy for me operating a business alongside a full-time job as well as family and other commitments? Of course, it wasn’t easy at all, but the passion to succeed, fulfill my destiny and also break out of the monotonous mundane life of being an employee was just too much drive for me to notice the temporary inconvenience. I sensed it strongly in my spirit when it was time to move on to do my business full time. After discussing the decision with my wife, we both agreed to do it and my life has never been the same again.
Discover What God Has Called You to Do
For most people, what God has called them to do is wrapped up in what they already like to do. Go back to your childhood and reflect on the things you were interested in before you became entangled with life. Find the things that came or come easy and natural to you.The intersection of what you like to do and what comes naturally for you to do is what you are called to do. The problem is that most people know what this is, but they put it aside because someone has told them they couldn’t make money doing it. Knowing fully well that our society does not celebrate mediocrity and average, I believe you will excel doing what you like and what
comes naturally because you will do it better than anyone else on the planet.
Get Employed In the Areas of Your Callings
Rather than making a choice of employment based solely on financial or monetary gains, you should rather consider skill development, experience, exposure, contacts, and expertise in the area of your interest. The best way to do this is by working, interning or volunteering for someone or a company that is already doing it at a high level. If this happens to be a low paying job compared to your worth, let it not bother you because you will not be tempted to stay there your entire life. I was able to walk away from my regular 9-5 job without too much headache simply because the pay was not too impressive. I know many people who have been trapped at their job for years and find it difficult to leave to answer the call of entrepreneurship simply because of the attractive salary.
Create another Job for Yourself While Working
While you are working for someone else on a low paying job developing your skills, you should begin the process of creating additional income based on those skills. For example, I have volunteered or work on some projects mainly just to acquire the needed skills. At such times, I have developed my skills on the side as an Event Producer and Event Marketing Consultant. 90 percent of what I am doing today was laid out while working a 5-9 job.
Coming up next: I’ll show you step-by-step how to receive or find a profitable business idea.